Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New pictures

1 comment:

  1. OHHHH MY GOSH !!!! TOOOO CUTE !!!!!!! I finally got my Blog up and running, and totally forgot you guys were on here ! I added your mom and you guys as "followers" !! Keep up good work on the bunnies, they are so adorable ! I found out what was wrong w/Tilly... "GI Intestinal Statis" ... in other words, constipated... she didn't eat pellets for nearly 2 weeks... she was put on a water/hay diet only, and I had to massage her belly 3 times a day for several days.. she had just started to perk up when you guys saw her when u dropped Kayla off ! She is doing much better, but still not eating the best... is now nibbling on pellets again :)))
    Keep up good blog girls !
