To leash train find or buy a cat leash and harness at you nearest pet supply store and fit it to your rabbit. Let him walk around with it in his cage or in the house for a little bit. It may take him a while to get used to it. Then hook it to the leash and let him play. If he is very hesitant try offering food rewards and words of encouragement. There is no need to tug or pull on the leash, as I said before they can't really be trained to take commands so letting him do his thing and following behind him is just about how it is going to be. Leash Training is just the basics of things that take training to the next level. Some rabbits even do agility! Agility is where the rabbit jumps over small jumps in an obstacle course. Not all rabbits are enthusiastic enough to do this sort of thing, but try it at home and see what fun things and tricks your rabbit can do.